Cutting Edge Genomics Services and Expertise in WA 

Genomics WA provides consultation, expert advice and streamlined library preparation, next generation sequencing and data analysis services. 

Genomics WA (GWA) was formed in recognition that WA is underserved by national genomics providers. GWA aims to build critical mass in genomics expertise in Western Australia by providing competitive genomics services with experts based here in Perth. Before sending your jobs elsewhere consider supporting the growth of our local industry.

Industry Leading Partners

Genomics WA is funded by a co-investment from BioPlatforms Australia (BPA), State Government of Western Australia through the WA Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (JTSI), The University of Western Australia (UWA), Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research (HPIMR) and Telethon Kids Institute (TKI) as part of the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) capability. We are certified service providers for library preparation and sequencing on Pac Bio Sequel II.

iLab Training and Assistance

To book services with Genomics WA, you will need to register with iLab.

If you are having any difficulties registering with iLab or booking a service, please feel free to contact us at or on 08 61510763.

We Are Grateful

We are grateful for the support of the Perron Foundation and UWA's Marshall Centre for the donation of $1 million, which has enabled the purchase of the PacBio Sequel II, a long-read sequencing platform.

We gratefully acknowledge the support from Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research and the Australian Cancer Research Foundation  for the Centre for Advanced Cancer Genomics which has made available the Illumina Novaseq6000 and Vizgen MERSCOPE system for the use of Genomics WA.

We gratefully acknowledge Curtin University and UWA which have made available the NextSeq500, and MiSeq respectively for the use of Genomics WA. We are grateful to the Telethon Kids Institute for making available a MiniSeq and the Zephyr liquid handler for the use of Genomics WA.

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